By using MegaQR Codes® end users always know they are dealing with YOU, the legitimate brand owner or approved party, BEFORE they accept or use a counterfeit product.
The EP3® (Evaluate Plan Protect Profit) process is the 1st step in assisting clients to identify and quantify their current revenue and profit loss that is taking place now within their business through counterfeiting and other related illicit activities.
The use of MegaQR Codes® will significantly reduce your planned investment (capex) and/or existing operating expenses (opex) with regards to the purchase, consolidation, or replacement of your current anti-counterfeiting systems.
The use of MegaQR Codes® offer our clients an unrivalled range of flexible cost-conscious implementation and usage models.
We uniquely provide our clients with a single point of contact (SPOC®) service. Our SPOC® service saves you time, money, and the need for additional in-house human resources.